Medicaid Clinical Prior Authorization
Clinical prior authorizations may apply to a particular drug or an entire drug class on the formulary, including preferred and non-preferred drugs.
HHSC establishes clinical prior authorizations based on recommendations from the DUR board using the latest FDA-approved product labeling, national guidelines, peer-reviewed literature, and evidence-based clinical criteria. The board reviews prospective clinical prior authorizations criteria proposed by HHSC in collaboration with MCOs and other stakeholders.
HHSC and MCOs may implement board-recommended clinical prior authorizations at any time. HHSC requires MCOs to perform specific clinical prior authorizations. The usage of the other clinical prior authorizations will vary between each MCO.
Each clinical prior authorization has a criteria guide describing how Medicaid evaluates requests. All steps in the criteria guide apply to traditional Medicaid claims. MCOs may decide to use any or all of the approved criteria as long as the prior authorization is not more restrictive. Refer to the clinical prior authorization criteria guides for more information on each prior authorization. Refer to the Pharmacy Clinical Prior Authorization Assistance Chart for a list of the clinical prior authorizations each MCO uses and how those authorizations relate to those used for processing fee-for-service Medicaid claims.
Clinical prior authorizations are periodically revised to ensure they reflect prescribing recommendations of the current state and nationally established drug criteria, information from approved compendia, and the peer-reviewed literature.