Durable Medical Equipment Provider Enrollment
Durable medical equipment (DME) is equipment or appliances manufactured to withstand repeated use; ordered by a physician for use in a client’s home; and required to correct or ameliorate a client's disability, condition, or illness. DME includes vitamin and mineral products. DME is not typically available as a pharmacy benefit.
Certain supplies and select vitamin and mineral products are a covered pharmacy benefit of the following programs:
- Medicaid
- CSHCN Services Program
- KHC Program
A pharmacy must enroll as a DME provider to provide the full array of durable medical equipment and supplies. Pharmacies must complete an application at tmhp.com. Contact the TMHP Contact Center or e-mail TMHP Provider Relations to request assistance from the local TMHP provider relations representative in your area. Contact the TMHP Contact Center for assistance.
All claims for DME items require a completed Home Health Services (Title XIX) DME/Medical Supplies Physician Order Form (TMHP Form F00030). Refer to the Enrollment Forms for this form.