4. Drug-Drug Interactions

Patient profiles will be assessed to identify those drug regimens which may result in clinically significant drug-drug interactions. Drug-drug interactions considered clinically significant for celecoxib are summarized in Table 3. Only those drug-drug interactions classified as clinical significance contraindicated or those considered life-threatening which have not yet been classified will be reviewed.

Table 3. COX-2 Inhibitor Drug-Drug Interactions1-4
Target Drug Interacting Drug Interaction Recommendation Clinical Significance Level #
amlodipine/celecoxib clopidogrel combined administration may reduce clopidogrel antiplatelet activity and increase risk of thrombotic events as both medications are metabolized by the CYP3A4 enzyme (CYP3A4 converts clopidogrel to active metabolite) administer cautiously together and observe patients for changes in clopidogrel efficacy moderate (CP)
amlodipine/celecoxib CYP3A4 inducers (e.g., rifampin) adjunctive administration may result in reduced amlodipine serum levels and therapeutic efficacy due to induction of amlodipine metabolism by CYP system observe patients for sustained therapeutic effects and adjust amlodipine dosages, if needed; may consider alternate therapy that does not induce CYP3A4 moderate (CP)
amlodipine/celecoxib CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., clarithromycin) co-administration may result in enhanced amlodipine pharmacologic and adverse effects, including hypotension and acute kidney injury, as amlodipine is metabolized by CYP3A4  use cautiously together, if at all; observe patients for amplified pharmacologic/ adverse effects; adjust dosages as necessary major (CP)
amlodipine/celecoxib simvastatin due to an unknown mechanism, combined use may cause enhanced simvastatin availability (increased area under curve, maximum concentration) and increased pharmacologic/ adverse effects including myopathy and rhabdomyolysis avoid combined use, if possible; if combined administration necessary, simvastatin dose should not exceed 20 mg/day; patients maintained on high-dose simvastatin who require amlodipine therapy should be converted to another statin with fewer interactions major (CP)
amlodipine/celecoxib tacrolimus increased tacrolimus serum levels with possible enhanced pharmacologic/ adverse effects may result with combined use; tacrolimus is a CYP3A4 substrate with a narrow therapeutic index and amlodipine is weak CYP3A4 inhibitor use cautiously together; monitor patients for tacrolimus adverse effects (e.g., renal dysfunction, cholestasis, paresthesias) moderate (CP)
celecoxib ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers potential for decreased antihypertensive effects, increased renal impairment risk with combined therapy; NSAIDs may block production of  vasodilator and  natriuretic prostaglandins monitor blood pressure and renal function, modify therapy as needed; use combination cautiously in elderly; nonacetylated salicylates, sulindac,  may be alternative NSAIDS – have less inhibitory effect on prostaglandin synthesis moderate (CP)
celecoxib anticoagulants/ aspirin/ thrombolytic agents potential for increased gastrointestinal and bleeding adverse effects most likely due to either additive effects and/or decreased platelet function administer combination cautiously and observe for adverse bleeding events major (CP)
celecoxib corticosteroids potential for increased gastrointestinal adverse effects with combined therapy monitor for adverse effects; avoid prolonged concurrent administration moderate (CP)
celecoxib CYP2C9 inhibitors (e.g., fluconazole, amiodarone, delavirdine) celecoxib metabolized by CYP2C9; combination may increase celecoxib serum levels and potential for toxicity use cautiously together with lowest effective celecoxib dose; monitor for adverse effects moderate (CP)
celecoxib immune suppressants celecoxib may mask infection symptoms (e.g., fever, swelling) use combination cautiously moderate (CP)
celecoxib lithium NSAIDs may decrease lithium clearance by blocking renal tubular prostaglandins (may contribute to lithium clearance; may result in increased lithium levels and potential for adverse effects  avoid combination, if possible; if concurrent therapy necessary, monitor lithium levels and signs/ symptoms of lithium toxicity; sulindac, aspirin do not affect lithium clearance -may be alternative NSAIDS  moderate (CP)
celecoxib loop diuretics (e.g., furosemide) potential for impaired diuretic and antihypertensive activity of loop diuretic and increased risk of renal insufficiency due to NSAID-associated decreased renal prostaglandin production administer combination cautiously; monitor for signs/symptoms of renal dysfunction and reduced diuretic/ antihypertensive efficacy moderate (CP)
celecoxib methotrexate adjunctive administration may lead to increased methotrexate serum levels and the potential for adverse effects (e.g., hematologic, gastrointestinal toxicity), especially with higher methotrexate doses, due to NSAID- associated reductions in renal methotrexate clearance administer combination cautiously together; observe for enhanced methotrexate pharmacologic and adverse events major (CP)
celecoxib SNRIs/SSRIs concurrent administration may increase risk of enhanced bleeding activity as serotonin release from platelets necessary for adequate hemostasis monitor for signs/symptoms of bleeding with adjunctive administration moderate (CP)
celecoxib warfarin combined therapy may result in increased INR and increased risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects, especially in elderly, most likely due to competition for metabolism through CYP2C9 monitor anticoagulant activity, especially in first several days of combination therapy; adjust warfarin doses as necessary major (CP)


  • * - Clinical Pharmacology
  • ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme
  • NSAIDs - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • SNRIs - serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • SSRIs - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors