3. Drug-Drug Interactions

Patient profiles will be assessed to identify those drug regimens, which may result in clinically significant drug-drug interactions. Drug-drug interactions considered clinically relevant for pramlintide are summarized in Table 2. Only those drug-drug interactions identified as clinical significance level 1 or those considered life-threatening which have not yet been classified will be reviewed.

Table 2. Pramlintide Drug-Drug Interactions1,2
Target Drug Interacting Drug Interaction Recommendation Clinical Significance Level*
antidiabetic agents fluoroquinolones adjunctive administration may result in blood glucose disturbances and increased risk for hyper- or hypoglycemia due to an unknown mechanism closely monitor blood glucose levels and adjust antidiabetic doses as needed; doses may also require adjustments with fluoroquinolone discontinuation major (DrugReax) 3-moderate (CP)
antidiabetic agents somatostatin analogues (SAs) (e.g., octreotide, pasireotide) concurrent use may impair glucose regulation as SAs inhibit insulin and glucagon secretion; substantially increased blood glucose levels may result monitor closely for changes in blood glucose control before and throughout SA therapy; adjust antidiabetic doses as needed major (DrugReax) 2-major (CP)
pramlintide alpha glucosidase inhibitors (e.g., acarbose, miglitol) alpha glucosidase inhibitors slow nutritive absorption; adjunctive administration may potentiate pramlintide pharmacologic effects, increasing potential for additional blood glucose reductions and risk of hypoglycemia concurrent administration not recommended by manufacturer 3-moderate (CP)
pramlintide gastric stimulants (e.g., metoclopramide, tegaserod) concurrent administration may attenuate pharmacologic effects of both agents manufacturer states that pramlintide/gastric stimulant combination should be avoided 2-major (CP)
pramlintide medications that slow gastrointestinal motility (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants, opiates, antimuscarinics, diphenoxylate) adjunctive administration may enhance pramlintide pharmacologic effects, increasing potential for additional blood glucose reductions and risk of hypoglycemia concurrent administration not recommended by manufacturer 2-major (CP)
pramlintide insulin adjunctive use may increase hypoglycemia risk; pramlintide pharmacokinetic parameters altered if mixed in same syringe with insulins reduce mealtime insulin doses to minimize hypoglycemia; do not mix together; give as separate injections 2-major (CP)
pramlintide oral medications with hypoglycemic effects (e.g., oral antidiabetic agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, disopyramide, fibric acid derivatives, salicylates, sulfonamide antibiotics) concomitant administration may result in enhanced hypoglycemic pharmacologic and adverse effects monitor blood glucose levels closely and adjust dosages as necessary if drug combination required to minimize excessive hypoglycemia and associated adverse events moderate (DrugReax) 3-moderate (CP)
pramlintide oral medications with rapid gastrointestinal (GI) absorption, or narrow therapeutic index pramlintide delays gastric emptying; combined use may reduce serum levels of drugs with narrow therapeutic index, or those requiring rapid GI absorption use cautiously together 4-minor (CP)
pramlintide oral medications requiring threshold concentrations for effect (e.g., acetaminophen, oral contraceptives) concurrent administration may reduce serum levels of drugs with threshold concentrations as pramlintide delays gastric emptying use cautiously together; administer medications having threshold concentrations for effect at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after pramlintide 4-minor (CP)