5. References

  1. Clinical Pharmacology [database online]. Tampa, FL: Gold Standard, Inc; 2022. Available at: http://www.clinicalpharmacology-ip.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu. Accessed May 17th, 2022.
  2. IBM Micromedex® DRUGDEX® (electronic version). Truven Health Analytics, Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA. Available at: http://www.micromedexsolutions.com.libproxy.uthscsa.edu/  (cited: May 17th, 2022).
  3. Ciprofloxacin tablets (Cipro®) package insert. Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., November 2021.
  4. Ciprofloxacin extended-release tablets (Cipro® XR) package insert. Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., May 2019.
  5. Delafloxacin tablets (Baxdela®) package insert. Melinta Therapeutics, LLC. June 2021.
  6. Gemifloxacin tablets (Factive®) package insert. Merus Labs International, Inc., August 2016.
  7. Levofloxacin tablets (Levaquin®) package insert. Cipla USA Inc., July 2020.
  8. Moxifloxacin tablets (Avelox®) package insert. Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc., July 2016.
  9. Ofloxacin tablets package insert. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited, December 2018.
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